Fellowship applications accepted for social change journalism

Journalists with projects aimed at social change through innovation are invited to apply for a fellowship from the Shuttleworth Foundation.

The Shuttleworth Foundation invites applications from individuals interested in working in the following areas: communication and analytical skills in education, intellectual property rights, open and collaborative educational resources and telecommunications.

Fellows work from where they are, with an open door to visit the Foundation’s head office in Cape Town, South Africa.

Projects funded by the program include m4Lit, or mobiles for literacy, launched in 2009 as a pilot initiative to explore whether teens in South Africa will read stories on their mobile phones.

The program is the brainchild of entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth, founder of the Ubuntu Project, a Linux-based operating system.

The fellowship is not limited to any specific geographic location but applicants must be fluent in English.

Fellows are awarded the equivalent of a year’s salary, a contribution towards expenses plus a travel allowance. Fellows also have access to potential project funding from the Foundation, who will match the Fellow’s personal investment in projects by at least ten fold. The total grant amount will be based on the Fellow’s qualifications, experience and comparable cost of time for their skill level.

Although applications are accepted throughout the year, the foundation formally reviews applications in May for September and November for March.

For application information, click here.