An interrogation session of a public activist Kamal Sheikho after release

Criminal court held the second Monday in the trial of a new session activist and journalist Kamal Shehu, one day after his release on bail after a hunger strike and water lasted for about a month.
The meeting which was attended by a crowd of activists and friends of activist Kamal Shehu, had been designated for questioning, as he rejected the charge against him Sheikho to harm the prestige of the state, adding that "when I grabbed my pen I promised myself to defend the right, nothing else is right."

The Shehu that pride activism human rights, stressing that "activists and dissidents were always right" has been paid tens of years of age in the cellars of prisons and some of them died there .. and that conditions in Syria will not be upright but the existence of the national opposition and respect the other opinion, and criticism of the ruling regime does not means the abuse of the Syrian State, in response to the judge, who believed that prisoners of conscience "may be on the void and they mistreated the state."
The hearing was adjourned to ask the public prosecutor until the date of 28.03.2011
Alnedaa : 03/14/2011