Mongabay seeks reporting pitches – Worldwide

Experienced journalists are invited to submit pitches in English.

The Mongabay Special Reporting Project will focus on the intersection of indigenous peoples and conservation.

The organization is looking for community profiles and news stories that explore threats to indigenous peoples’ territories and showcase successful indigenous-led conservation initiatives.

Community profiles should include photos, videos and other elements to support a narrative of 2,000 to 4,000 words in length.

News stories — including breaking news, features, interviews and shorter profiles — should have about 1,000 to 2,000 words and delve into some aspect of indigenous peoples’ intersection with conservation practice.

Mongabay will negotiate all fees and contracts on a per-story basis. Stories will be published on under an open Creative Commons license. It will also offer a small payment to journalists who proactively get their stories republished in major third-party print media outlets.

Pitches will be received through September.

For more information on how to submit a pitch, click on the link below: