The Journalist House aims to provide a reference and a continuous point of action for the protection and development of the Syrian media and workers in Syrian press and media.
The Journalist House offers several forms of support to the Syrian media community, which contribute to the development of media services and content, and promote the professional principles and values of the professional media and the protection of its employees.
In 2017, the Journalist House focused on the support, protection and safety of media professionals and media organizations. We have documented violations against the media and media professionals, and facilitated access to various support mechanisms such as: access to emergency medical assistance or assistance in accessing a safe place in life-threatening situations due to nature the work.
The program will continue these activities and will expand its work to add a research paper on the Syrian media status through in-depth studies which aim to raise knowledge about the state of media in Syria and enable efforts to develop the Syrian media from an approach based on knowledge of its requirements. The program will also focus on developing the capabilities of Syrian journalists and media institutions regarding digital protection through several activities that raise awareness of the digital risks they may be exposed to and how to take necessary measures to reduce those risks.
We collaborate with international media and human rights partners to advocate for more international protection measures for journalists and to develop their working environment.